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The Sales of iDAS Reached 20000 Sets

 Wonder Group released its new product iDAS (Intelligent Driving Assistance Service) in the 17th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition on April 20. Integrated with active safety technology and internet of vehicle, this intelligent service has been put on the market through DTB Ecosystem platform. Currently the sales of iDAS has reached 20000 sets. Wonder Group has primarily set up a communicating channel with end users, symbolizing its one step forward from auto parts manufacturer to service provider for intelligent driving system.

Now over 1000 users in Jinzhou have installed iDAS and generally appreciated its innovative functions for safety traffic. Besides those functions of LDWS, FCW, TPMS, reverse image, fatigue driving alert, dashboard camera, GPS and anti-theft alarm, the in-car entertainment feature (WIFI, bluetooth, music box, etc.) will add more options and fun to mobility. Users can also download and install other APP software and receive analysis reports on their driving behaviors regularly to remind and correct bad driving habits.

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